fishing rod and reel
Largs and District Angling Club logo

Largs and District Angling Club

Fishing locations


Revised November 2021


The Club shall be called " LARGS AND DISTRICT ANGLING CLUB "


(a) To promote the Club and further as much as possible the facilities for angling in the district.

(b) To encourage young members to take an active interest in the Club's activitie sand to promote

the art of angling

(c) To stock, conserve and improve the fishing of any reservoir or water which may be leased or

obtained by the Club for use by its members.

(d) To ensure a duty of care and fairness to all Club members



The membership, traditionaly drawn from the area from Skelmorlie to Stevenston and inland to Kilbirnie is now open to anyone interested in participating in angling and associated disciplines with no restrictions to class or creed, provided they are duly proposed and seconded by current club members and such application shall be considered by the committee.

The number of members shall be limited to a number to be decided by the office bearers and committee after taking into consideration the water at the disposal of the Club at any given time.

Membership categories

Honorary member                                                                                                                                          Full member                                                                                                                                                  Juvenile member - under 16 years old                                                                                                            Junior member    - under 18 years old

All members are subject to the Constitution and Rules and by joining the Club deemed to accept those the Club has adopted.

Members of each category will pay the current subscription set at the Annual General Meeting

Juvenile members shall be members who have not yet reached the age of 16 years by the 15th March in that year, and must be accompanied by an adult at all times when fishing.

Junior members shall be those members who have reached their 13th birthday but have not yet reached the age of 18 years by the 15th March in that year.


a) - The Largs and District Angling Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all                    aspects of its activities.  In doing so it acknowleges and adopts the following Sport England definition of          sports equity and further referred to in Sport Scotland's Corporate Plan.

"Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them.  It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessable to everyone in society"

b) - The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the         context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethenicity, religious belief, sexuality or               social/economic status.

c) - The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from               threat or intimidation, harassment and abuse.

d) - All Club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of                 opportunity.

e) - The Club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously according to Club disciplinary           procedures.


a) The annual subscriptions shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting or Extra General Meeting.

b) The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the Club

c) The financial year of the Club will run from 1st November each year.

d) All Club monies to be banked in an account held in the name of the Club

e) A statement of accounts, audited by the Committee, will be presented by the treasurer at the AGM held           annually in November.

f) Cheques drawn against Club funds should hold signatures of the treasurer plus one other office bearer.

g) Any member who lapses his or her membership, if seeking to return will not be required to pay an entry           fee, provided he/she does so within 4 years.

h) Under no circumstances can any monies ( subscriptions etc.) be refunded in part or in whole.

i) All duly elected new members shall pay the annual subscription in force at the date of their entry.

j) Members permits should be renewed before 15th March each year.

k) The normal procedure for this is that a current catch returns slip be remitted ( this to include a " nil"                return where appropraite) prior to or at the fee paying meeting for that year.

l) Returns slips to be produced before permits will be renewed.


Members wishing to withdraw from the Club must do so in writing to the Secretary prior to the Fee Paying Meeting.


a) The management of the Club shall be conducted by a committee consisting of a President, Vice President,         Treasurer, Secretary, Competition Secretary and a Burn Convenor together with a Committee to be                 elected annually, five to form a quorun. The Chairman at all meetings shall have a deliberative and                  casting vote.

b) The term of office shall be for one year, with members eligible for re-election

c) If any office bearer or committee member position should fall vacant after such an election, the                       committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.

d) The committee will be responsible for adoption of any new policy, codes of practice and rules affecting             the organisation of the Club.

e) The committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who have infringed the Club's               constitution or rules and also responsible for taking any action of discipline or suspension following such           hearing.

f) All committee members have the right to vote at committee meetings.


a) The Annual General Meeting will be held in November each year, whereby Club members may exercise             there democratic right in influencing and commenting on the Club's affairs.

b) The purpose of this meeting shall be to :-                                                                                                        *  Approve the previous AGM minutes.                                                                                                            *  Receive reports from President and Secretary.                                                                                              *  Receive report from Treasurer and approve annual accounts.                                                                        *  Elect office bearers and members of committee.                                                                                          *  Agree membership fees.                                                                                                                            *  Agree any proposed changes to the constition.                                                                                            *  Deal with any other relevant business.                                                                                                        *  Present trophies to competition winners.

c) Notice of the AGM to be given by the secretary at least 21 days prior to the meeting.

d) All members have the right to vote at the AGM, quorum for AGM will be 20% of current membership.

e) The President has a casting vote at both general and committee meetings.

f) Special meetings can be called at any time by a majority of committee members or by ten ordinary                members of the club giving fourteen days notice in writing to the secretary, for the hearing and disposal          of any complaint or the transaction of any special business, such as an increase in membership fees etc.

g) Committere meetings are held at least once monthly apart from July.  Any member wishing to bring an              item to the attention of the committee is welcome to do so by contacting the secretary.


a) All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the           secretary.

b) The committee will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged.  The committee         has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including termination of membership.

c) The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the                       complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 28 days of the hearing.

d) There will be the right of appeal to the committee following disciplinary action being announced.  The               committee should consider the appeal within 14 days of the secretary receiving the appeal.

e) The Club shall not be held liable for any accident or injury to members or visitors to the Club fisheries.

10 - RULES

It shall be the obligation of the members to adhere strickly to any rules or conditions of fishing which may be imposed at any time by the Club.  The committee shall have power to expel any member who infringes any such rules or conditions, and no part of any subscription from such member will be repayable to him/her.        The committee will also have power to expel from the Club, with no monetary reimbursement, any member who can be proved to have acted in a manner which the committee consider to have been detrimental to the interests of the Club.


a) The Club is committed to protecting the natural ecology of our waters and surrounding areas over which           we have influence.  Where appropriate we will seek expert advice in dealing with environmental issues            that need addressed in order to ensure ongoing ecologcal health of the waters and areas under our                 control

b) The Club has a zero tolerance litter policy.  Any member found to be littering is liable to expulsion.

c) No fires are permitted on Club waters.

d) Management of bankside vegetation will only be undertaken with agreement of the committee and if               necessary with reference to expert advice.


The stocking policy will be decided annually by the Committee with due regard to the financial position of the Club at that time

13 - PROPERTY                                                                                                                                               Acquisition The committee has the power to purchase, lease,exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and rights and privileges considered appropriate for the work of the Club.  The chairperson, secretary and treasurer and their successors in office shall be invessted as trustees over the property on behalf of the Club.  The signature of any two trustees shall be required to bind the Club in respect of property documentation.

Disposal The committee has the power to sell, dispose or relinquish any property which they consider to have no further value to the Club.  All monies acquired through this process shall be returned to Club funds.


Any part of the foregoing constitution may be altered on notice of motion being given in writing fourteen days before a General Meeting of the Club called by the committee for that purpose or at an Annual General Meeting, and must be passed by a two thirds majority of the members present at that meeting.

15 - DISSOLUTION                                                                                                                                               a) A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or an EGM through a majority vote of the membership.

b) In the event of dissolution.                                                                                                                             1)  All debts shall be cleared using Club funds together with whatever redeemable moveable assets are                required to cover said debts.                                                                                                                 2)  All remaining moveable assets shall be redeemed and the proceeds distributed among Club                            members,  if the amount is negligible then it should be donated to a suitable charity.                                 3)  All fixed assets that remain will revert to Scottish Water PLC or to the landlords of the properties                    under lease.



Muirhead reservoir

This is our largest reservoir of approximately 110 acres and is situated about 4 miles from Largs on the right hand side of the A760 Kilbirnie road.  Access is gained through gates at either end, key code access only at the Kilbirnie end.

Crosbie reservoir

This reservoir is situated about 1.5 miles from West Kilbride.  Follow the B781 Dalry road and take the first left after leaving the village then first right past Crosbie Mains farm to the reservoir.  Members must keep to this road and not digress through any of the surrounding fields or woods.  Speed through the farm must never exceed 5 mph.  Leave all gates as you find them.

Outerwards reservoir

This reservoir is approximately 3 miles from Largs on the left hand side of the Brisbane Glen road at the head of the Noddle burn.

Noddle burn

Flows through the north end of the town and may be fished in sections from the sea to Outerwards reservoir

Gogo burn

Flows through the south end of the town through the lands of Cunninghame District Council andHalkshill Estates.



A series of competitions will be run annually in order to award the various trophies which the Club now possess.  They will be competed for as follows:-

Muirhead Competitions

Freeman Cup - Awarded for fly fishing during a series of bank fishing competitions on Muirhead reservoir.

Lorraine Cup - Awarded to the winner of a one off competition on Muirhead.

Currie Cup - Awarded to the junior winner of a one off competition

Glen Eldon Trophy (Wee Mary) - Awarded to the winner of the last competition on Muirhead.

Boat Outings

Aircell Shield - Awarded for fly fishing during a series of boat outings at various locations.

Feeney Cup - Awarded to the member catching most fish at Lake of Menteith outings

The Bowl - Awarded to the member catching the most fish at the Boat outings.

Committee Cup - Awarded to the winner of the committee outing

Club Championship,

Kilbride Trophy - Club Champion, with highest aggregate points from three bank and boat competitions.

Robert Paton Shield - Junior Champion, most points from three bank competitions

Doubles Trophy - Awarded to the pair with the highest points between boat and bank competitions.

Best Fish

Agnes Bown Trophy- Awarded to the captor of the best brown trout from Club waters.

The number, venue and rules for any competition or series of competitions will be decided by the Committee.  Current competition rules are shown in the login section.

Members who wish to qualify for the best fish awards must have their catch confirmed by a committee member within 24 hours.

No member may fish competition waters on the day of any bank competition unless participating.

Trophies must be returned to the Secretary or Competition Secretary by 31st October each year.




1. Under the terms and conditions of the West Strathclyde Protection Order it is mandatory that each person fishing the waters of the Largs and District Angling Club has written permission on his/her person.  This permit, tackle and catch must be shown on demand to another Club or Committee member, warden or crown bailiff.

2. Trout season 15th March to 6th October                                                                  Migratory fish season 11th February to 31st October ( both dates inclusive)

3. Rainbow trout fishing on Crosbie reservoiris also available from 18th Oct. till 28th Feb. with a winter fishing permit purchsed separately from treasurer.(available only to current members)

4. Fishing shall be with a single rod and line which must be hand held at all times.

5. Fish being kept must be dispached quickly with the minimum of distress.

6. Catch and release is permitted provided debarbed or barbless hooks are used.

7. The fences around fishing areas must be crossed only at stiles erected for that purpose and all gates must be closed properly.

8. Dogs taken to the fishing areas must be kept under control at all times

9. The Club may be held responsible for restoring and making good any gates, fences, footpaths etc. which may be damaged by its members and responsible for any loss or injury they may cause.  The Club will in turn hold the individual or members responsible.

10. The Committee have the power to stop fishing at times of low water.

11. The trade or sale of any fish caught is prohibited.

12. Members under 16 years must wear a life jacket when reservior fishing unless accompanied by an adult over 18 years of age.

13. Fires are not allowed

14. Members are allowed two guests per season on club waters, and must accompany their guest. Only one guest is permitted at a time and this guest must be in possession of a guest permit available from Committee members.  This permit must be returned to the Committee member immediately after the event.


1. The water in the reservoirs is for domestic use and every care must be taken to prevent pollution, all excretions must be made at a reasonable distance from the water.  The banks of the reservoir and surrounding land must be kept free from litter of any kind, i.e. paper, bottles,plastic materials etc.   Each member shall be personally responsible for the removal of his/her own refuse.  All debris from consumable materials  taken to the waters must be removed by them.  Nothing must be jettisoned in the reservoirs.

2. The boathouse and boats must be kept clean and tidy and litter placed in bins provided.

Persons infringing the above may be barred or suspended.

3. Fly fishing only except on Outerwards where spinning is allowed but forms of live bait fishing is prohibited.

4. Fishing on Muirhead is only allowed from dawn to dusk.

5. Bag limit - 2 fish per day except Crosbie which is ONE fish only

6. Size limit - 10 inches to fork of tail

7. Wading above knee is not permitted.

8. Float tubes are not permitted

9. Members under the age of 16 years must wear a lifejacket unless accompanied by an adult  who must be over 18 years of age.

10. At Muirhead cars must only be parked at the roundel and at least 5 metres from the dam wall.

11. Only those taking part are allowed to fish on competition days

12. No fishing from valve towers

Boats (additional to above)

1. All full members may use boats

2. Members using boats do so at their own risk, Largs and District Angling Club will      not accept responsibility for any accidents.

3. Members being responsible for safety must ensure that:-

- Boats and equipment are in a safe and servicable condition before use.

- Each occupant is wearing a life preserver

- Weather conditions are suitable for launch ,retrieval and use of boats

4. Junior members are not allowed in boats unless both wearing a lifejacket and            accompanied by an adult who accepts responsibility for their safety and behaviour

5. Only electric outboards to be used.

6. No anchoring allowed

7. No trolling

8. No boats to be used on competition days.

9. Boats to be left in a clean condition and litter removed.

10. Anglers are advised that standing whilst moving the boat or fishing is extremely        dangerous

11. Accidental damage to boats or equipment must be reported to a committee              member immediately

12. Boat trailers must be tethered while launching or retrieving boats to              ensure trailer does not run down slip.

13. Ensure that the boathouse doors are properly locked at all times with top and            bottom bolts in place.


1 The proprierors have granted permission to the Largs and District Angling Club to fish the courses of the Noddle and Gogo burns where they flow through the lands of Cunninghame District Council, Halkshill Estate, Brisbane Mains, Middleton farm, Noddsdale Estate, South and North Whitteburn farms and Tourgill.

However, due to the limited availability of parking on Brisbane Glen road and the establishment of various recreational, building and fencing projects it is now extremely difficult to gain access to the burns without infringing on other properties.

The only areas which are easily accessable are those under the jurisdiction of Cunningham District Council, namely from the sea to the road bridge on the Noddle burn and from the sea to the rail bridge on the Gogo burn.

2. Sunday fishing is prohibited on both burns.

3. One migratory fish only may be killed per day, but in the interests of conservation it is recommended that all migratory fish be returned , particularly hen fish.

4. All parr, smolts, kelts and undersized fish must be returned to the water unharmed.

5. A brown trout bag limit of 4 size 9 inches (23 cms) may be kept.

6. Any legal method may be used provided that when bait fishing no hook smaller than size 6 is used.  Size is shown on back of permit. This is important.

7. Removal of trees, branches, shrubs etc. to gain access to fishing or walking is prohibited.

8. The proprietors retain the right to dismiss any member of the Largs and District Angling Club from their lands.

Shore Fishing

Shore fishing for migratory fish is allowed for Club members or persons who have a permit issued by a fishery board, fishing trust or local angling club. This area covers all crown foreshore and and extends for one mile out to sea regardless of there being an estuary nearby.  Catch limits above apply.

Country Code

Club members must follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code

Stock, crops and wildlife must not be interfered with.

Respect other person's property and interests

Leave no litter, take it home with you!

Keep dogs under control

Leave all gates as you find them

The only thing you should leave is your footprints!